Wealth Disparities

 Articles on Wealth Disparities
from Different Sources

Recent articles from the Huffington Post on WealthDisparities in the US.

(Link to main page at the Huffington Post on wealth disparities in the US)

The Economic Recovery in Black, White, and Brown

Mechele Dickerson | Posted 09.18.2014 | Politics

Read More: Hispanics, Black Voices, Racial Disparities, Real Estate, Latinos, Wealth Loss, Economic Scarcity, Income Inequality, Wealth Inequality, Economy, Ethnic Minorities, Stagnant Wages, Recession, Wealth Disparity, Middle Class, Wealth Gap, Latino Voices News, Racial Minorities, Redlining, Economic Recovery, Unemployment, Federal Reserve, Ethnicity, Underwater, Foreclosure, Housing Crisis, Housing Bubble, Politics News

 While some households and neighborhoods have recovered from the recession, most black and Latino households and neighborhoods are still waiting to recover.

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What Economic Recovery?

Mechele Dickerson | Posted 09.09.2014 | Money

Read More: Economic Recovery, Wealth Inequality, Wealth Disparity, Wealth Gap, Income Inequality, Middle Class, Recession, Economic Scarcity, Economy, Wealth Loss, Federal Reserve, Wall Street Journal, Pew Research, Stagnant Wages, Home Sales, Unemployment, Money News


While many American households now face a bright and promising economic future, it is now clear that the recession and post-recession recovery has a different look and feel depending on whether you are wealthy, middle-class, or poor.

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Who Do Americans Hate During Economic Downtimes? It’s Not Who You Think

Daniel Cubias | Posted 08.26.2014 | Latino Voices

Read More: Wealth Inequality, Ethnicity, Middle Class, Hispanics, Corporate Taxes, Institutional Inequality, Wealth Gap, Racial Tension, Racial Disparities, Corporate Tax Loopholes, Latinos, Racial Prejudice, Economic Scarcity, Racial Minorities, Wealth Disparity, Ethnic Minorities, Racial Discrimination, Recession, Racial Politics, Corporate Greed, Race Relations, Income Inequality, Latino Voices News

On top of devastating the country, wiping out many people’s savings, and increasing the obscene gap between the wealthy and the rest of us, the Great Recession may have had the side effect of increasing racial tension.

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It’s Class Warfare, Plain and Simple

David Macaray | Posted 11.26.2013 | Politics

Read More: Labor Force, Unemployment, Barack Obama, Wealth Gap, Wealth Disparity, Politics News

 The widening chasm between the middle-class and the rich, coupled with the on-going, systematic assault on organized labor, isn’t simply the result of bad luck.

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Happy Birthday Occupy

Robert Reich | Posted 11.15.2013 | Politics

Read More: Occupy, Occupy Movement, Occupy Wall Street, Wealth Inequality, Occupy Wall Street Protest, Inequality, Wealth Disparity, Politics News

 Occupy put the issue of the nation’s savage inequality on the front pages, and focused America’s attention on what that inequality was doing to our democracy. To that extent, it was a stirring success.

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Pay Gap Between 1 Percent And Everybody Else Reaches Widest Point Since 1920s

AP | PAUL WISEMAN | Posted 11.10.2013 | Business

Read More: 1 Percent, Household Income, One Percent, Pay Gap, Rich Pay Gap, Wealth Disparity, Household Wealth, Business News

 WASHINGTON — The gulf between the richest 1 percent and the rest…

(Link to main page at the Huffington Post on wealth disparities in the US)

Could America’s Wealth Gap Lead To A Revolt?

All the talk about income and wealth inequality over the last couple of years begs the question: Could the wealth gap lead to a revolt?

In some ways, last week’s fast food worker strikes and rallies affecting businesses like McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, and Yum Brand’s Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and KFC, demonstrate it already has. In 60 cities across the country, they were protesting the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour that keeps them in a chronic state of poverty, and demanding “a living wage” of twice that.

It’s extremely difficult to organize workers in such a fragmented service industry, so the fact that these demonstrations have taken place on this scale is a sign of their determination. These demands have been brewing for the past year, and are likely to spread to other industries unless the government steps in to raise the minimum wage which, given the current state of Congress, is…

Read the full story in Forbes Magazine from 9/04/2013

There’s the 1% of America and then the
1% of the World.

The disparities get bigger and bigger..


oxFampicPhoto: Tom Pietrasik/Oxfam

Rapidly growing inequality is worsening poverty around the world
Posted: 20 JAN 14
Written by: Oxfam
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A new report from Oxfam sheds light on rapidly growing extreme inequality and how it worsens poverty around the world, as Prime Minister Tony Abbott prepares to spruik Australia’s G20 agenda at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week.
The report, Working for the Few, shows that the wealth of the world is divided in two: almost half going to the richest one per cent; the other half to the remaining 99 per cent.
The report outlines that extreme economic inequality is rapidly increasing in the majority of countries.
We’ve created a world where the 85 richest people own the wealth of half of the world’s population. It’s staggering that in the 21st Century, half of the world’s population owns no more than a tiny elite whose numbers could all sit comfortably in a single train carriage.
Widening inequality is helping the richest undermine democratic processes and drive policies that promoted their interests at the expense of everyone else.
In developed and developing countries alike, the lowest tax rates, the best health and education and the opportunity to influence are being given to the rich and their children. The impact of extreme inequality is most keenly felt in developing countries where missing out means remaining trapped in the cycle of extreme poverty. But such deep inequality is not inevitable, and it can and must be reversed quickly.
Working for the Few shows that globally, the richest individuals and companies hide trillions of dollars away from the tax office in a web of tax havens around the world. It’s estimated that $21 trillion is held unrecorded and off shore.
Oxfam is urging Australia and other governments to crack down on tax havens and halt tax avoidance and evasion.  Tax avoidance through the use of tax havens leads to developing countries missing out on important revenues to combat poverty and drive economic growth.
This network of secrecy and low tax rates facilitates the illicit flows of large amounts of capital from the poorest countries. It is estimated that between 2008 and 2010, sub-Saharan Africa lost on average $72 bn dollars this way each year…

Link to OxFam Report

More helpful links:

Working for the Few | Oxfam International

Working for the Few: Political capture and economic inequality

The 85 Richest People In The World Have As Much Wealth …

Global inequality: Oxfam report finds 85 richest people’s net …
Richest 85 boast same wealth as half the world
www.smh.com.au › BusinessDay
85 People Hold As Much Wealth As Poorest 3.5 Billion

Working for the Few – Oxfamblogs.org

Oxfam: World’s Richest 1 Percent Control Half Of Global …